Thursday, January 16, 2020

:המלך המשפט י"ב

רש"י ד"ה המלך המשפט - כמו מלך המשפט. כמו נושאי הארון הברית (יהושע ג) כמו ארון הברית וכן המסגרות המכונות (מלכים ב טז) שהוא כמו מסגרות המכונות וכן העמק הפגרים (ירמיהו לא) כמו עמק הפגרים :

The term המלך המשפט is somewhat anomalous. Typically, when there is an adjective identifying a definite noun, the prefix ה is put on the second word*. This is what is "bothering רש"י" and why he has to give other examples in תנ"ך where we find similar phrases to prove that it is a somewhat common anomaly.

* Funny story: Our גבאי, when delivering the מי שברך following an עליה will, if asked, mention the בעל קורא. Last time I got an עליה I asked him to include the בעל הקריאה. That kind of caught him off guard and he said הבעל קורא instead. But now I have him saying הבעל קריאה. Close enough, I suppose.

1 comment:

  1. Reb Yaakov Kaminetsky discusses this term in his Chidushim on Shluchan Oruch and wonders why in fact these phrases are exceptions. He says that the phrase "Melech HaMishpat" and "Aron Habris" are in fact not in semichut form but are as if they are one word; thus the Heh Hayediah is more understandable. See there for details.
    If that's true, it's certainly possible that "בעל קריאה" or even "בעל קורא" is similar and can be construed as one "word". it would then certainly be acceptable to put a Heh Hayediah in front of that phrase.
